Laboratory strengthening requires (often major) investments. These investments should pay off.
Building the evidence base underlying laboratory strengthening
DATOS experts all have a scientific background and thus have a strong interest in performing research feeding into the evidence base underlying laboratory strengthening efforts. As such, DATOS not only implements laboratory strengthening activities, we also investigate whether, and how much, they contribute to laboratory improvement and reaching global health targets.
PhD thesis
On 9 October Dr. Tjeerd Datema received his PhD degree upon the successful defense of his thesis titled: Strengthening health laboratories in low- and middle-income countries through implementation of a quality management system (ISBN 978-94-6416-022-2). This thesis presents and discusses the results of 10 years' research into methods for efficient strengthening of health laboratories through the implementation of a quality management system based on international standards such as ISO 15189 (Medical laboratories - Requirements for quality and competence).
If you like to receive a copy of Tjeerd's thesis, please send him an email or contact him through LinkedIn.
Recent publications
Below is a shortlist of recent publications with contributions of DATOS’ experts. For a complete list of publications by DATOS experts contact us!
Access to diagnostics
Laboratory Quality Management systems and External Quality Assessment
More information on our research efforts? Feel free to contact us!
Bargelaan 200
2333 CW Leiden
The Netherlands
T +31 (0)71 760 1657