Title: Development of a guidance tool for the stepwise development of National Essential Diagnostic Lists
Code: D22-08
Date: October 2022 - March 2023
Location: Zimbabwe
Client: Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND)
Type of services:
[21 Nov 2022] Since the start of 2022 DATOS, in collaboration with Lucy A. Perrone of the University of British Columbia, has developed an e-tool for stepwise development and implementation of a National Essential Diagnostics List (NEDL) for FIND, the global alliance for diagnostics. The digital tool guides countries in a stepwise manner with developing and implementing an NEDL as a critical step towards universal health coverage, using the World Health Organization Essential Diagnostics List (EDL) and key reference documents for imaging services. As such, the tool will assist countries to optimize quality, capacity and accessibility of diagnostic services for the most prevalent diseases to the entire population.
After extensive peer review by experts from the field, the first draft version of the e-tool is now ready and will be piloted in Zimbabwe and The Gambia. In October 2022 DATOS conducted the first workshop for the National Essential Diagnostics Committee in Zimbabwe, where the committee members were trained on the WHO EDL and the structure and use of the FIND NEDL e-tool, after which they developed an operational plan for developing their own national EDL.
Source: DATOS LinkedIn Blog
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Title: Piloting of the LabNet Lead course including training of trainers
Code: D22-05
Date: February - April 2022
Location: Zimbabwe
Client: African Society of Laboratory Medicine (ASLM)
Type of services:
[20 Apr 2022] Great to be out in the field again! After months of collaborating only through our laptops, last week DATOS’ experts Linda Oskam and Dorien Faber really enjoyed finally traveling to Zimbabwe to pilot Phase 2 of the LabNet Lead course in February 2022. The second face-to-face phase of the training (Phase 4) was provided for the same audience in April 2022. The very enthusiastic participants were representatives of the laboratory network of Zimbabwe and gave the course a score of 9.4 out of 10.
The LabNetLead course is part of the African Society for Laboratory Medicine (ASLM) Systems Community of Practice (LabCoP). It consists of 5 phases over a 9 month time period. It provides national laboratory working groups with the knowledge, skills and tools to adequately design, optimize, lead and manage functional, high-quality laboratory networks.
ASLM experts observed the course and followed a training of trainers course to build capacity to make sure that the course can be rolled out across the continent.
Source: DATOS LinkedIn Blog
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