Title: Laboratory Network Leadership Course
Code: D22-05
Date: April 2022
Location: Ethiopia, The Netherlands, Zimbabwe, Malawi
Client: African Society for Laboratory Medicine
Type of services:
Develop a training program for National Laboratory Working Groups to optimize and strengthen the laboratory network in their countries.
Pilot the training program in two countries and provide a Training of Trainers
After the first piloting and Training of Trainers in Zimbabwe, Phase 2 of the LabNet Lead course was provided in Malawi by four ASLM trainers, who were observed and mentored by Linda Oskam.
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Title: Broad laboratory systems assessment in Malawi
Code: D19-09
Date: April - June 2019
Location: Malawi
Client: Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
Type of services:
Providing a team leader and medical laboratory specialist for a broad laboratory system assessment with focus on TB and malaria:
[21 May 2019] In April and May, DATOS, in collaboration with KIT, has conducted a broad laboratory system assessment in Malawi for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria. We looked from different angles at the laboratory system to do an in-depth analysis of the structure and functioning of the system and laboratory facilities throughout the country. Our team consisted of:
This extensive assessment led to major and minor recommendations to guide future laboratory strengthening activities in the country.
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Title: TB laboratory systems strengthening and mentoring of a TB laboratory expert
Code: D18-07
Date: January - September 2018
Location: Malawi
Client: USAID/Challenge TB through the KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation
Type of services:
Mentoring of the National TB Laboratory Expert. Four missions were conducted and distance support was provided.
[1 Feb 2018] The TB laboratory network in Malawi is extensive and well organized, but support is needed to further improve the activities and strengthen the role of the new National TB Program (NTP) Diagnostic Laboratory Expert. To this end, Linda Oskam visited Lilongwe from 8 to 19 January 2018 to work together with the NTP Diagnostic Laboratory Expert on further strengthening and improvement her skills.
[28 Mrt 2018] DATOS went back to Malawi again to continue the mentoring of Malawi’s NTP Diagnostic Laboratory Expert (NDLE). Pamela Hepple worked with the NDLE on reviewing GLI and WHO tools, guidance documents and reports to determine how best to support the TB laboratory network. Action plans were developed to strengthen the TB microscopy network and to guide the use of GeneXpert technology alongside HIV activities. External quality assurance data was analysed, and procedures for laboratory network supervision were discussed and strengthened. Standard indicators for performance monitoring of TB culture and drug sensitivity testing were defined, and preparation for the upcoming drug resistance survey was reviewed. Pamela and the NDLE also spent a few days supporting activities in Mzuzu regional TB culture laboratory. The mission ended just in time to see the last of the preparations for World TB Day!
[8 Oct 2018] In September 2018, DATOS’ Linda Oskam worked closely together with the National TB Laboratory Expert (NTLE) of Malawi, Dr. Mirriam Nyenje. The current visit was the last one of four missions sponsored by Challenge TB that aimed at mentoring Dr. Nyenje. At the end of the mission Dr. Nyenje received a Certificate of Recognition for all the new activities she initiated and the hard work she has performed to improve the TB laboratory services in Malawi during the timeframe of the project.
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Bargelaan 200
2333 CW Leiden
The Netherlands
T +31 (0)71 760 1657