Title: Laboratory Quality Management Course Liberia
Code: D19-13
Date: October - November 2019
Location: Liberia
Client: Medical Mission Institute Würzburg
Type of services:
Provision of training on laboratory quality management to laboratory staff of the St. Joseph Catholic Hospital in Monrovia, Liberia.
[13 Nov 2019] Introduction to Laboratory Quality Management training at the St. Joseph’s Catholic Hospital in Liberia - We started this month by providing an introductory course on Laboratory Quality Management at the Saint Joseph’s Catholic Hospital (SJCH) in Liberia. The course was attended by the laboratory staff of this hospital and another hospital in Liberia (Ganta reprosy relief centre) and also from Sierra Leone. Five medical laboratory technology students from the college of health sciences in Monrovia – as future labstaff for SJCH – also got the chance to benefit from this course. The course was supported by the Medical Mission Institute in Würzburg, Germany, funded through the clinical partnership program from GiZ.
During the one-week course we went through all the elements of a laboratory quality management system based on ISO 15189, the international standard for quality and competence of medical laboratories. We discussed each element, how it contributes to ensuring quality of laboratory services, and how to best implement it. The participants completed the course by developing action plans to directly start quality management improvement of their own laboratories.
The participants showed great improvement and were also very satisfied with the training, giving it an average score of 9.4 on a scale of 1-10.
Source: //blog.datos-advice.nl/?p=90
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