
Laboratory Strengthening Tools

No one should have to reinvent the wheel. This is also the case when implementing a quality management system, developing a National Essential Diagnostics List, or for any other laboratory strengthening activity. Why not learn from the experience of others?

DATOS has extensive expertise in development of laboratory strengthening tools translating state-of-the-art, complex developments into easily applicable guidance tools. We developed several tools that have been used successfully to strengthen laboratories as well as laboratory networks and systems. A couple of examples:

The FIND NEDL e-tool

At the request of the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND) we have developed the FIND NEDL e-tool. This electronic tool provides stepwise guidance to countries when developing a National Essential Diagnostics List (NEDL). Through an NEDL, a country can prioritize which diagnostic tests should be made available to the entire population. With an NEDL, a country can rationalize and harmonize diagnostic services with Universal Health Care packages and National Essential Medicines Lists, and ensure that diagnostic services for the most prevalent and high-burden diseases and conditions are available country-wide. An NEDL is the logical next step in strengthening not only laboratory services, but complete diagnostic systems in a country, including imaging services and diagnostic services at health facilities without laboratories. 

The ASLM LABNET Scorecard e-tool

DATOS has developed an e-tool for the LABNET Scorecard for the African Society for Laboratory Medicine (ASLM). This comprehensive scorecard is used to assess the functionality and performance of complete laboratory networks in a country. The e-tool allows easy data entry, processing, and analysis. The tool graphically visualizes the assessment results so that strengths and gaps can quickly be identified for further actions.

FIND Laboratory SLIPTA asessment scorecards

DATOS has developed several sets of scorecards to assess laboratory testing processes and compliance with the Stepwise Laboratory Improvement Process Towards Accreditation (SLIPTA) checklist for FIND. These include:

  • The FIND Score-TB Package
  • The FIND AMR Lab Quality Scorecards

Both packages contain scorecards available in both hardcopy and e-tool formats. The e-tool allows easy data entry, processing, and analysis. The assessment results are visualized to provide rapid insights in strengths and gaps.

Publications on our tools can be found on the research page.

This is just a selection of the laboratory strengthening tools we have developed over the years. If you like to know more about our tool development expertise, feel free to contact us!